Introduction to Sport Business

MGT 1050 / 4 credits

This course will serve as the introductory course for students in the Sport Business Minor/Concentration. The Sport Industry is rapidly evolving, establishing itself as one of the more prominent industries and business enterprises globally. Therefore, it is critical that future Sport Business practitioners understand the fundamental structures, governance, careers, and business processes within the industry. This course will introduce students to such structures, careers, and processes. Curriculum will teach students the organizational structures and business processes in all levels of sport, namely focusing on professional sport, intercollegiate athletics, esport, high school sport, youth sport, and amateur sport. Furthermore, students will be exposed to different career opportunities in sport. This course will also incorporate frequent discussion of current events in sport business.

Sport Business Development & Operations

MGT 2500 / 4 credits

Sport is a tremendous business enterprise whose organizations provide immense opportunity for entertainment and economic growth. This course will explore the functions of a sport organization creating revenue, economic development, and selling a product to many consumers and stakeholders. In exploring the business functions of a sports organization, students will learn about business development, such as managing capital and investing in product development specific to the context of sport via regular competition (i.e. regular season competitions) or singular events (i.e. hosting concerts or singular athletic events). Students will integrate this understanding of business development with theory and topics related to Event and Facilities Management. Expanding upon sport business development, such topics discussed will include sport-specific theories and contexts related to marketing, sponsorship, sales, and finance. This course will evaluate the current landscape of sport, while also investigating the future of the sport industry, and new business development opportunities such as esports.

Introduction to Business Analytics (QR)

MGT 3100 / 4 credits

A survey of the mathematical models of Management Science and Operations Research (such as linear programming, queuing theory, decision analysis, and simulation) applied to managerial decision-making.
Prerequisites: BUS/ECN 2340, SWK 2330, MTH 1050, or MTH 3050 and sophomore standing or higher.

Principles of Management

MGT 3120 / 4 credits
This course prepares students for future leadership roles and positions in management. The course’s main focus is directed toward the behavioral aspects of work cultures and to the development of an effective philosophy and strategy for successful management performance in the 21st century. Topics include the changing workplace; the social, ethical, and legal issues in management; cross-cultural awareness; self-awareness; planning and decision-making; project management; motivation; and leading/working in teams.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
Offered in Fall/Spring

Operations Management (QR)

MGT 3300 / 4 credits
A survey of major management systems and quantitative techniques used in manufacturing and service operations. Subject matter will address operations strategy, product/process design, quality management, inventory management (including MRP and JIT), project management, and other related topics.
Prerequisites: MGT 3120 and BUS/ECN 2340 or MTH 3050 or MGT 3100
Offered in Fall/Spring

Project Management

MGT 3330 / 4 credits
Project Management exposes students to the methodologies and processes needed to successfully complete projects that deliver value to organizations.
Prerequisites: MGT 3300

Supply Chain Management

MGT 3340 / 4 credits
Supply Chain Management will introduce students to the movements of material and information throughout the supply chain process. 
Prerequisites: MGT 3300

Human Resource Management (SI)

MGT 3400 / 4 credits
An examination of significant behavioral research influencing human resource management. A general survey of personnel administration functions and management-labor relations.
Prerequisite: MGT 3120
Offered in Fall/Spring

Sport Law

MGT 3500 / 4 credits
With a wide array of professions in the sport industry and its ever-changing landscape, it is necessary for sport practitioners to proactively apply and understand various laws, statutes, and regulations. In addition to providing students with the skills and resources to interpret the law, this class will provide a comprehensive overview of specific legal topics, which pertain to sport and the sport industry. This will include discussions of contract law, negligence, intentional torts, Title IX, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, constitutional law and sport, federal antitrust law, collective bargaining agreements, legalities centered on facilities management, and sport governance. Students will explore significant case law, statutes, and U.S. Constitutional amendments, which explain and direct best practices for sport practitioners.

Legal Environment of Business (SI)

MGT 3600 / 4 credits

This is an introductory, general survey course of American legal principles and their application to the business world. Students will develop an understanding of the legal system, the litigation process, and the ethical considerations attendant to making important business decisions. Areas of study will include contracts, torts, property, business organization, employment law, discrimination, crimes, the Constitution, and the regulatory process. Oral and written analysis of case law will be utilized to help students appreciate, understand, and explain multiple points of view regarding the legal environment of business.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
Offered in Fall/Spring

Business Law for Accountants

MGT 3650 / 4 credits
This course will provide students majoring in accounting with an overview of the legal concepts necessary to successfully complete the CPA exam. This course will focus on the Uniform Commercial Code, contracts, negotiable instruments, sales and secured transactions, agency relationships, business organization and formation, bankruptcy, professional liability, and accounting ethics. Students will be expected to analyze legal cases involving business law matters through both oral and written communication. At the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the American legal system, an ability to recognize and address ethical issues attendant to making important business decisions, and an ability to analyze complex legal concepts associated with the accounting process. This course is not open for credit to students who have taken MGT 3600.
Prerequisite: ACC 2020 or ACC 2040
Offered in Spring

International Management (SI) (ITL)

MGT 3710 / 4 credits
A study of management in an international environment, its evolution, and its position in today’s society. Students also study the control and decision-making process for management of a worldwide organization, including the financial, marketing, human resource, political, and ethical implications of the worldwide organization in local markets and in the international community.
Prerequisite: Junior standing
Offered in Spring

International Legal Environment of Business (SI)(ITL)

MGT 3730 / 4 credits
A survey of various legal systems including common law, civil law, and Islamic law. Students will be introduced to a variety of concepts, including the sources of international law, the distinction between private and public law, and the concept of sovereign nations. The implications of sovereignty as they relate to international business activity are a central theme of the course. Original source materials, case studies, and legal opinions are used. Special schedule.
Prerequisite: Junior standing

Business Research Projects

MGT 3800 / 2 credits
Students will select a topic or problem in consultation with the course instructor and conduct research on that issue. These projects could be general current events in business or specific problems faced in local business.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor

Sport Organization History & Social Impact

MGT 3900 / 4 credits
With the growing prominence of the sport industry, it is necessary to understand the important role sport (and its organizations) plays in society, as sport has a significant economic and social impact. This embraces notions of how society is represented through sport, and vice versa, as well as the historical significance of sport in society. This course will provide students with a circumstantial understanding of theories related to sport sociology and sport history, and how these theories dovetail in explaining the social and economic impact of sport on communities. Topics discussed will include the historical formation and growth of major professional sport leagues (i.e., NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, and NWSL), and intercollegiate sport (i.e., NCAA) both nationally and internationally. The historical topics will provide a foundation for understanding the relationship between sport and society, and the role of athletes and sport organizations in serving Corporate Social Responsibility. Furthermore, this class will explore how sport organizations may serve as drivers of positive social change within their communities and society, and what impact this has on a local economy and business.

Advanced Topics & CASE Development in Sport

MGT 4200 / 4 credits
Considering the constantly changing nature of the sport industry, it is necessary for professionals to be researching and exploring new business opportunities within the industry. Therefore, it is necessary for future sport practitioners to be able to conduct their own research and to be able to disseminate their findings and recommendations through a carefully and professionally articulated analysis. Thus, this course will provide students with this opportunity to develop case study research, which is relevant to creating new perspectives and practices in the sport industry. Through this course, students may collaborate with a sports organization, a practitioner in sport, or other business faculty to write a case study that will be published independently, with high quality CASE work being published in a new, forthcoming Sport Business CASE study journal. Case research incorporates an in-depth, and integrated (through practice) approach to understanding complex issues. This journal will be published by the institution. Students will work in groups to develop and research these CASE studies, thus allowing them to acquire skills and practice with working in a highperforming team. Students are expected to deliver an individual CASE study, teaching note, and instructor guide. This course will develop student-writing skills through its writing intensive nature. Topics of research will focus on innovation and development in sport business. This course will feature an onsite experiential learning component.

Labor and Employment Law

MGT 4600 / 4 credits
Labor and Employment Law is the comprehensive study of labor relations law, including the development of American labor unions, as well as the National Labor Relations Act, unfair labor practices, and other rights and responsibilities of management and unions. Students will also study equal employment opportunity and related employment law issues including Title VII, EEO legislation, and common law employment issues. This course will be facilitated by the case study method. Significant writing and speaking will be expected of all students.
Prerequisite: MGT 3600